2024 Conference Agenda

2024 Annual Employment Law Seminar


7:45 am to 8:30 am: Registration and Breakfast

8:30 am to 8:45 am: Opening Remarks
Presented by Amanda A. Manukian, Esq., Senior Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, and Alden J. Parker, Esq., Sacramento Regional Partner at Fisher Phillips, LLP

8:45 am to 10:15 am: “2024 California Employment Law-Legislative and Caselaw Update”
Presented by Bernadette M. O’Brien, Esq., SPHR, Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, and Alden J. Parker, Esq., Sacramento Regional Partner at Fisher Phillips, LLP

Topic Overview: This presentation will cover:

  • Proposed Legislation to Limit Use Of AI In The Workplace
  • Proposed “Right to Disconnect” Legislation
  • Predictive Scheduling Trend
  • FTC Ban On Non-Compete Agreements
  • DOL’s New Overtime Rule
  • Lateral Job Transfers May Be Discriminatory
  • New Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Regulations
  • Fast Food Minimum Wage
  • CA Supreme Court Decision on “Hours Worked”
  • LA County’s New “Fair Chance Ordinance”
  • Recent NLRB Decision Impacting Dress Code Policies
  • DOL’s New Independent Contractor Rule
  • Cannabis Use as a Protected Category Under the FEHA
  • New EEOC Guidance on Workplace Harassment

10:15 am to 10:30 am: Morning Break

10:30 am to 12:00 pm: “What’s New from the California Civil Rights Department”
Presented by Kara Brodfuehrer, Senior Fair Employment and Housing Counsel at California Civil Rights Department, Education and Outreach

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm: Lunch – Keynote Speaker, Wayne Partello

1:00 pm to 2:15 pm: Afternoon Breakout Sessions #1

  1. “The Challenges of Inconsistent Work Comp Work Restrictions and the Crossover Obligations between WC and FEHA/ADA”
    Presented by Amanda A. Manukian, Esq., Senior Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, and Anet Drapalski, Esq., Partner at Fisher Phillips, LLP

  2. “California Wage And Hour Update (Including the Latest on Meal and Rest Break Requirements/PAGA Update)”
    Presented by Christopher Alvarez, Esq., Partner at Fisher Phillips, LLP, and Eric E. Ostling, Esq., Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP

    Topic Overview: This presentation will cover the latest developments in wage and hour/PAGA claims including:

    • A review of an employer’s key wage and hour obligations.
    • Common wage and hour/PAGA violations.
    • Current status of PAGA waivers and arbitration agreements.
    • Caselaw update.
    • Strategies for responding to wage and hour/PAGA claims.
    • Best practices for avoiding a costly wage and hour/PAGA claim.

  3. “Best Practices for Effective Management of An Initial Work Comp Claim”
    Presented by Daniel R. Brown, Esq., Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, Terry L. Smith, Esq., Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP and Retired Workers’ Compensation Administrative Law Judge, and Kyle R. Uebelhardt, Esq., Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP

    Topic Overview: This presentation will cover:

    • What constitutes notice of an industrial injury and what obligations become triggered.
    • Importance of investigations and best practices for investigating work related injuries.
    • Strategies and considerations on whether to admit or deny liability for an industrial injury.
    • Modified duty, return to work, resignations, and terminations – How good and bad documentation can impact your case.
    • What to expect when a case becomes litigated and strategies to control the outcome of the case.

  4. “Update on Key Strategies for Defending WC Complex Litigation”
    Presented by Carey A. Guynes, Esq., Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, and Michael G. McConville, Esq., Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP

    Topic Overview: The presentation will cover important topics related to defending complex work comp litigation, including:

    • What makes a work comp case “complex”?
    • Causation to disability versus causation to injury.
    • Catastrophic injury defined.
    • Normal case takes turn for worse-what happens next.
    • Key defense strategies including make the panel QME substantiate opinions.

2:15 pm to 2:30 pm: Afternoon Break

2:30 pm to 3:45 pm: Afternoon Breakout Sessions #2

  1. “Understanding Implicit Bias in the Workplace and Its Impact on Costly Discrimination Claims”
    Presented by John B. Floyd, Esq., Senior Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, William T. Okamoto, Esq., Associate at Fisher Phillips, LLP, and Mara Tansman, Psy.D., QME

  2. “Strategies for Defending Work Comp Claims Based on an Alleged Sexual Harassment/Hostile Work Environment”
    Presented by John M. Langevin, Esq., Senior Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, Louisa M. Graw, Esq., Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, and Phuong N. Nguyen, Esq., Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP

  3. “An Update on California’s Complex Privacy Laws and Employer Compliance Requirements”
    Presented by Usama Kahf, Esq., Partner at Fisher Phillips, LLP, and David G. Graziani, Esq., Associate Attorney at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP

  4. “A Review of California’s New Workplace Violence Law (SB 553) and Cal/OSHA’s Expected Enforcement”
    Presented by Tim E. Simmen, Esq., Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, Hannah Sweiss, Esq., Partner at Fisher Phillips, LLP,  and Joseph Paulino, Chief of Police for the San Bernardino City Unified School District Police Department

    Topic Overview: This presentation will cover important considerations for preventing and responding to workplace violence including:

    • Key components of a “Workplace Violence Policy”
    • Employee training on responding to workplace violence/active shooter.
    • Identifying and responding to risks for violence in the workplace.
    • Current recommendations for responding to an incident of workplace violence.

3:45 pm to 4:00 pm: Afternoon Refreshment Break

4:00 pm to 5:00 pm: Afternoon Session – “2024 Update on California’s Myriad of Complex Leave Laws”
Presented by Bernadette M. O’Brien, Esq., SPHR, Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, Alden J. Parker, Esq., Sacramento Regional Partner at Fisher Phillips, LLP, and James Lodenquai, Human Resources Director for Vallarta Supermarkets

5:00 pm: Closing Remarks and Raffle
Presented by Bernadette M. O’Brien, Esq., SPHR, Partner at Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin, LLP, and Alden J. Parker, Esq., Sacramento Regional Partner at Fisher Phillips, LLP

“Cocktail Hour” to follow after the Closing Remarks

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