Webinar: ICE Workplace Raids and I-9 Audits: Important Guidance for Employers
Join us for a Zoom webinar covering ICE Workplace Raids and I-9 Audits: Important Guidance for Employers on March 19, 2025 presented by Bernadette O'Brien and Eric Ostling.
Workplace raids conducted by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are making headlines and occurring in cities around the country. A “workplace raid” is an unannounced operation to arrest and deport undocumented immigrants working at a business. ICE agents may question employees and seize documents.
ICE is the main federal agency responsible for enforcing workplace immigration laws. There are two key divisions in ICE: (1) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI); and, (2) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). HSI handles I-9 audits and broader investigations. ERO handles identifying, detaining, and removing workers due to immigration violations.
In light of recent developments, it is crucial for employers to understand and develop their response measures to an ICE visit to the workplace and to educate their Human Resource Departments and frontline managers/supervisors on how to respond to an ICE visit, and how to properly conduct an 1-9 audit either before an ICE visit or to ensure compliance before an issue arises. Join us for this important webinar, which will include information on:
- ICE workplace enforcement actions and current trends;
- Responding to a civil warrant for the workplace and/or an employee;
- Protocols for conducting an I-9 audit/responding to a discrepancy in an I-9;
- Applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws;
- Appropriate questions about immigration status before a job offer is made;
- California versus federal law on immigration policies;
- Fines for non-compliance.
Cost of attendance: $50
Zoom information will be provided upon registration.
Contact events@floydskerenlaw.com for assistance.
Available Spaces: 438
2025 Annual Employment Law Seminar
Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin is pleased to announce that in partnership with Fisher Phillips, the firm’s annual Employment Law Conference will return on June 13, 2025, at the Disneyland Hotel. The conference will feature keynote speakers, and the latest hot topics in employment law, workers’ compensation, and HR.
Conference sessions include:
- Employment Law: Case and Legislative Update
- What’s New from the California Civil Rights Department and EEOC
- Wage and Hour Update (Including the PAGA Reform and Latest on Meal and Rest Break Requirements)
- Immigration Law in 2025: Legal Update and What to Expect Next Under the Current Administration
- Understanding Employer Accommodation/Interactive Process Obligations in WC Claims
- Workplace Medical Restrictions and Crossover Obligations Between WC/FMLA/ADA
- Key Strategies for Defending WC Psych Claims Based on FEHA Harassment Complaints
- California Leave Law Update Including Challenges of Extended Medical Leave
- California’s Workplace Violence Prevention Program and Cal/OSHA’s Expected Enforcement
- Sexual Harassment: Understanding the Protocols of an Effective Investigation
- Work Comp Caselaw Update/Key Defense Strategies for Complex Litigation
- Challenges of Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Programs in Light of Recent Developments
The day will end with a cocktail reception where attendees can connect with conference presenters.
This conference is a paperless event. Therefore, should you wish to download any of the material provided to you, please bring a laptop, iPad or any other electronic device. There will be a sufficient Wi-Fi connection, as well as a few charging stations throughout the event.
Rene Thomas Folse, JD, PhD., is the MCLE sponsor for this event and has sole responsibility for the content – California State Bar Sponsor #11240. Attorneys can earn up to 6.0 hours MCLE and Adjusters can earn up to 6.0 hours CE for attending this event.
Fisher Phillips will be providing 6.0 hours of SHRM/HRCI credit.
Discounted rooms at the Disneyland Hotel are available upon registration.
Early Bird (until 4/30/2025): $375
General Entry Fee (after 4/30/2025): $395
Parking not included.
Registration is not completed until full payment is received.
This conference is being jointly hosted by Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin and Fisher Phillips. By registering for this conference, you consent to and direct that any information you provide to register and in relation to this conference should be disclosed to both law firms. If you are a California resident and would like to learn more about Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin’s privacy practices, please review their California privacy policy here.
Questions? Please email events@floydskerenlaw.com.
Available Spaces: Unlimited
2025 Annual Employment Law Seminar - Exhibitor
- Exhibitor table
- Logo on event program
- Vendor recognition on transitional conference PowerPoint
- Conference passport card participation – Attendees visit booths for stamps to participate in the end of conference raffle.
- Full conference registration for one (1) exhibitor
Sponsorship conference registrations provide admittance to all conference events and are non-transferrable. Additional exhibitor registrations can be purchased for $200 per person (limit two per company).
All poster and sponsorship materials related to the conference must receive prior approval from Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin and Fisher Phillips.
Exhibit hall booths sell out quickly, so reserve your space early. Booths are reserved on a first in, first assigned basis and payment in full must be received before confirmation is sent out.
Discounted rooms at the Disneyland Hotel are available upon registration.
Price: $1000.00
This conference is being jointly hosted by Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin and Fisher Phillips. By registering for this conference, you consent to and direct that any information you provide to register and in relation to this conference should be disclosed to both law firms. If you are a California resident and would like to learn more about Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin’s privacy practices, please review their California privacy policy here.
If you have any questions? Please email events@floydskerenlaw.com.
Available Spaces: 5
2025 Annual Employment Law Seminar Sponsorship - Breakfast Sponsor
- Exhibitor table
- Exclusive sponsor signage during morning Breakfast
- Sponsor recognition on transitional conference PowerPoint
- Recognition at opening remarks
- Conference passport card participation – Attendees visit booths for stamps to participate in the end of conference raffle.
- Full conference registration for two (2) exhibitors
Sponsorship conference registrations provide admittance to all conference events and are non-transferrable.
All poster and sponsorship materials related to the conference must receive prior approval from Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin and Fisher Phillips.
Discounted rooms at the Disneyland Hotel are available upon registration.
Price: $3000.00
This conference is being jointly hosted by Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin and Fisher Phillips. By registering for this conference, you consent to and direct that any information you provide to register and in relation to this conference should be disclosed to both law firms. If you are a California resident and would like to learn more about Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin’s privacy practices, please review their California privacy policy here.
If you have any questions? Please email events@floydskerenlaw.com.
Available Spaces: 1
2025 Annual Employment Law Seminar Sponsorship - Lunch Sponsor
- Exhibitor table
- Exclusive sponsor signage during Lunch
- Sponsor recognition on transitional conference PowerPoint
- Recognition at opening remarks
- Conference passport card participation – Attendees visit booths for stamps to participate in the end of conference raffle.
- Full conference registration for two (2) exhibitors
All poster and sponsorship materials related to the conference must receive prior approval from Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin and Fisher Phillips.
Discounted rooms at the Disneyland Hotel are available upon registration.
Price: $5000.00
This conference is being jointly hosted by Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin and Fisher Phillips. By registering for this conference, you consent to and direct that any information you provide to register and in relation to this conference should be disclosed to both law firms. If you are a California resident and would like to learn more about Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin’s privacy practices, please review their California privacy policy here.
If you have any questions? Please email events@floydskerenlaw.com.
Available Spaces: 1
2025 Annual Employment Law Seminar Sponsorship - Charging Station Sponsor
- Exhibitor table
- Exclusive signage in charging station lounge area
- Recognition at opening remarks
- Sponsor recognition on transitional conference PowerPoint
- Conference passport card participation – Attendees visit booths for stamps to participate in the end of conference raffle.
- Full conference registration for two (2) exhibitors
Sponsorship conference registrations provide admittance to all conference events and are non-transferrable.
All poster and sponsorship materials related to the conference must receive prior approval from Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin and Fisher Phillips.
Discounted rooms at the Disneyland Hotel are available upon registration.
Price: $1750.00
This conference is being jointly hosted by Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin and Fisher Phillips. By registering for this conference, you consent to and direct that any information you provide to register and in relation to this conference should be disclosed to both law firms. If you are a California resident and would like to learn more about Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin’s privacy practices, please review their California privacy policy here.
If you have any questions? Please email events@floydskerenlaw.com.
Available Spaces: 1
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be emailed to events@floydskerenlaw.com. 50% of the registration fee will be refunded for cancellations received no later than 14 days prior to the event. Refunds will not be granted after 14th day before the event nor will they be given for no-shows. Attendee changes: Should you choose to transfer your registration to another person you must notify FSML by emailing events@floydskerenlaw.com, 7 days prior to the event.